Hedge Lucerne Seed - 1 Kg - Velimasal - Desmanthus Fodder Seed

(19 reviews)

Inhouse product

Rs799.00 /1
Total Price

Reviews & Ratings

4.05 out of 5.0
(19 reviews)
  • Gopala krishna bhat


    germination is good, physical quality also good, cow and goat eat well, no chuff cutter , less water only required

  • Sharan gowda patil


    High cost

  • Gowramma R


    As per instructions,before sowing, I treated seed in hot water 4minutes and soaked in cool water 12hours,All seeds are germinated and growth also excellent

  • Hedge Lucerne Grass seeds for Sheep, Rabbits, Goat, Cattle,Dairy (Desmanthus virgatus) . Having rich in protein (20-22 %)
  • Hedge lucerne is good green fodder to goat, cow, sheep, rabbit & poultry also increase the weight gain and improves productivity of milk yield
  • Hedge lucerne First cut on 90th day after sowing at 50 cm height and subsequent cuts at intervals of 40 days at the same height
  • Hedge lucerne tall, fast growing, heat loving summer and annual grasses can smother weeds and seed cost is modest.
  • Hedge lucerne perennial green fodder crop having multicut in nature comes up 3-3.5 years